Browning Avenue Road Closure
Browning Avenue Road Closure

Sutton Council introduced experimental LTN (Low Traffic Neighbourhood) schemes and pop-up cycle lanes, through government funding in late 2020. However following the decision by the High Court in 2021 that the Dft (Department for Transport) guidance under which they were set up was unlawful they were forced to remove them. We are proud our local members – especially in Worcester Park – campaigned hard against the badly thought out proposals.

The schemes were funded by the DfT, and were never intended to be a source of income for the Council. Take-up of the schemes was optional and, in Sutton, implemented without genuine consultation with residents.

In this time of economic uncertainty and hardship, residents can ill afford traffic fines for incorrectly implemented schemes. As a result we called on the Council to do the right thing and immediately refund all fines levied under these schemes.

We believe that any future traffic management decisions should be resident driven with residents initiating petitions and delegations to request it rather than a top down approach. This creates a strong local “social norm” where residents see the changes are driven by them  and other residents elsewhere then seek change themselves as a response to other changes.

More on our local policies about traffic management and our local Manifesto can be read here.

The Original Proposals

Sutton Council proposed road closures without pre-consultation to secure TfL funding. Decision on the proposals were being made by the Council not the Mayor of London. It is clear that some of the road closures were not thought through as the lack of consultation showed.
Worcester Park and Stonecot 
  • Benhill Avenue and Benhill Wood Road area – up to 4 possible road closures
  • Sutton North ward (All Saints/ Grennell/ Benhill & Oakhill Junction/ Oakhill & Elgin Junction) + a 20mph zone

South Sutton and Belmont

  • Sutton South/Carshalton Central ward (Kings Lane Bridge) closure and 20mph zones in Sutton South Ward.
There was also a big issue over a road closure at Butter Hill in Wallington.
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