Sutton and Cheam Labour Party Sutton and Cheam Constituency Labour Party, London Borough of Sutton
Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG)
Sutton and Cheam Labour along with Carshalton and Wallington Labour support local and national campaigns to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). We are both strong supporters of the local campaign to Reclaim Sutton Streets and have supported their events locally. We have also circulated their Women’s Safety Survey to hundreds of people.
Both Sutton and Cheam Labour and Carshalton and Wallington Labour are also proud to be Supporter Organisations of the national White Ribbon Campaign.
We have encouraged our local members and local Sutton residents to make the White Ribbon Promise. The campaign hopes men especially will make the White Ribbon Promise, but everyone is welcome to make it. This is a serious declaration and requires thought and consideration before it is made.
We very much welcome the Mayor of London’s “Say Maaate to a Mate” campaign as a simple way to change behaviour by young men.