Sutton and Cheam out in Sutton High Street
Sutton and Cheam out in Sutton High Street

Sutton and Cheam Labour

Welcome to Sutton and Cheam Labour Party’s website. We are an active local Party rooted in the local communities of Sutton, Cheam, Worcester Park and Belmont:

  • Labour stands for the many not the few

  • Labour is active and campaigning locally

  • Labour is the voice of protecting public services in Sutton: St Helier Hospital land under threat, bringing contracts in-house, building Council housing

  • The Lib Dems and Tories run Sutton either through Council mismanagement or Government inaction. They are in it together: the impact of austerity from the previous Con/Lib coalition runs deep in this borough

  • The Lib Dems are ruining Sutton locally: record complaints over waste collection, poor consultation over parking, the Incinerator, building on Rosehill Park

Our ongoing aim is to build stronger networks in the community to campaign for social change

Sutton and Cheam Labour fighting racism
Sutton and Cheam Labour fighting racism

About Sutton and Cheam Labour

Sutton and Cheam Labour is by far the largest political party in the constituency with around 400 members and 300 registered affiliated supporters. We are the local representatives of the national Labour Party in the UK whose website can be accessed here.

Locally we comprise:

  • 3 local members branches (Sutton, Sutton Downs and Worcester Park & Stonecot)

  • 7 locally affiliated trade unions (includes: UniteUnisonGMB and CWU). Full list of eligible unions here if you want your own union to affiliate with us locally

  • A Local Co-operative Party branch – a sister party to Labour with which we run shared candidates

  • A Local Fabian Society Group – an affiliated socialist society and think tank that has lots of local political discussion. All the other socialist societies, covering lots of interests and which have regional groups that our individual members belong to are also here

  • A General Committee, to which all members are invited, meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month except August and December

  • An Executive Committee which meets monthly except August to plan our activity

  • A Fundraising Committee to build the resources for us to effectively campaign

All of this is on top of the local and national campaigns and community groups our local members are actively involved with.

Our ongoing aim is to build stronger networks in the community to campaign for social change.

Sutton and Cheam Labour out campaigning
Sutton and Cheam Labour out campaigning

Local campaigns

St Helier Hospital acute services

We are the only major party to oppose the  decision to move vital services from St Helier Hospital to  and Epsom Hospitals to Belmont. This will mean longer travel times for people in St Helier and surrounding areas, putting patients at risk, heavier traffic in the Belmont area, and more demand on the already overstretched St Georges and Croydon Hospitals.

It’s still not clear how this plan will go ahead as the Government have slashed the budget for new hospitals, while the costs have gone up.

Sutton’s Lib Dem Council refused to ask for the plan to be reviewed, and their Scrutiny Committee Chair didn’t even allow it to be discussed!

Find out more in our Sutton Insight Healthcare section

Better services for children with special educational needs and disabilities

We know that Councils are short of money due to Government cuts, but other Local Authorities manage to provide a better service than Sutton. Following their failed Ofsted inspection in 2019, Sutton Counci-owned company Cognus have managed to get through their latest Ofsted without apparently improving services to young people and their carers – in fact the relationship between Sutton Council / Cognus and parent carers seems to have broken down.

We want to see Councillors make sure that Cognus consult with parent carers and young people to make sure that scarce resources are used in the best way possible

Proper consultation of residents about traffic schemes

The Lib Dem Council’s Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes were poorly considered and implemented. A lot of people are not happy with the way parking zones and permits have been put in. We support  the need to reduce traffic and improve air quality, but changes shouldn’t be imposed from above. We have been listening to residents about what they want and will demand further consultations from the Council. Read more

Holding our local Conservative MP to account

Our local MP Paul Scully has made some disappointing decisions in deciding whether or how to vote in Parliament. He failed to oppose fire and rehire of workers, failed to oppose cuts to holiday time school meals, voted against an amendment to protect our high food safety standards against foreign imports, voted against implementing WHO recommended air quality targets, and, most noticeably, failed to oppose the cuts to our local hospital.

Are your local Councillors doing their job?

Councillors should be monitoring Council services and making sure they are delivered properly. They should answer questions from residents, not block them. They should be open and honest about their plans for your area and not try to mislead you.

Sutton needs more Labour councillors – come and join us and help make it happen

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